Treatment plant
- Burning out (gas and plasma)
- Mechanical whipping overheads
- Grinding surplus’s with swinging, two-disc and hand grinders
- Grinding in cleaners (spherical and broken shot)
- Chisel
- Straightening
- Welding.
Our Offer
Huta Małapanew Sp. z o.o.
46-040 Ozimek
ul. Kolejowa 1
NIP: 991-02-17-818, REGON: 532181892,
KRS 0000000733, Sąd Rejonowy w Opolu,
VIII Wydz. Gospodarczy
share capital 104.200.000,00 zł fully paid up
phone. +48 77 401 85 10 fax. +48 77 401 85 15